Contract Type: 
Saturday, December 7, 2024 - 14:00
Local Time: 
Local Weather: 

United Nations

Mission Type: 


United Nations are spread thin with peace keeping efforts active in serveral countries, they have now turned to hiring Contracting companies such as Theseus to over see operations in certain areas, Theseus has been approached by the UN as previous contracts have been completed to a high standard, they have tasked us with moving into the city of Merkez and stopping the insurgence that have taken hold of the city, Seven rings have moved within the civilian populus and are hiding in the suburban homes, Contractors need to be careful when moving through the city as the next sight you set your aim on could be an innocent, Seven Rings are known for their IED work in the past, we expect there to be ordance within the city, either set or passive you will need to be careful of where you step, you never know what rock or paper cup could be the trigger. The UN have dropped us just west of the city beyond the mountainous terrain, we are to move in on foot, the UN have also provided us a support vehicle, the Otokar, to help in taking any civilians or wounded out of the zone. we also have intel that Tabari Sayed is the leader of this warband of Seven Rings, and is leading from within the city, Find him and bring him back for questioning.

With the Western Suburbs cleared and Theseus heading back to FOB to rest and rearm, Seven Rings has had a chance to Rest, Rearm and call in support. As Dawn breaks over Merkez Seven Rings has full view of what has transpired during the night, Complete disgust in his Men Tabari Sayed has called in another company of Seven Rings best to combat this assault on his City. Thesues Contractors are to be adviced that although the sun is shining, your visability is still not in your favor, a Dense mist has fallen over the city, keep checking for those IED's and make sure you PID, once again Civilians are now being used as hostages kept near IED's as collateral damage.

  • Theseus Inc.
  • United Nations
  • Seven Rings


Move into the City of Merkez, remove the insurgance and Capture their leader, Dont need to worry about the muntions anymore cause you got them.....right, while your at it try and save some civilians.

  • Find the Munitions in the city (COMPLETE)
  • Eliminate the Insurgence
  • Capture the Seven Rings leader.
  • Save Civilians


  • Otokar (HMG)
  • N/A
  • N/A


  • Enemy Capabilities: Near Peer
  • Enemy Vehicle Composition: No Armoured Support Capabilities
  • EOD Required: Required (Bot Supplied)
  • Est. Enemy Force: 3x Company Sized Elements (100-150)
  • Est. Time Frame: 2+ Hour
  • Locked Doors: Yes
Dusty Streets Part 2 MAP

Dusty Streets V2 MAP

Dusty Streets Part 2 City

Dusty Streets V2 City

Dusty Streets Part 2 Support Vehicle

Dusty Streets V2 Support Vehicle

Dusty Streets Part 2 Successful Western Suburbs

Dusty Streets V2 Successful Western Suburbs

Dusty Streets Part 2 The Fallen

Dusty Streets V2 The Fallen

Dusty Streets Part 2 Civilians2

Dusty Streets V2 Civilians2

Dusty Streets Part 2 IED

Dusty Streets V2 IED

After action report: 

Theseus spent a day recovering from their first insertion the next morning to finish the contract. First overlook position of the town revealed heavily armed positions with multiple hmgs exceeding 5 count. All teams pushing in and clearing through sectors slowly eliminated the presence of insurgents. However, Ares 1 and Actual were pinned down for an extended time shortly after killing the Ring Leader as he could not be taken alive.

Ares 2 heroically continued clearing through the majority of the remaining sectors and nearly eliminating all insurgents inside the town before suffering a MASCAS wherein Ares 1 and Actual were able to rush to their position and help save the survivors of Ares 2. Upon this, Theseus gathered their wounded and returned to base for a contract completion.

5 Contractors KIA