Cheers to a New Year!

In the off chance anyone managed to miss the lights, holiday music, and suspiciously long "gift ideas" lists, let the Board of Directors be the first to offer an enthusiastic Happy Holidays to everyone! If you already knew Christmas is next weekend, just add us to the list of well-wishers.

Fall is basically here and winter is approaching, it's time to reflect on some recent things that happened and will happen in Theseus.

The Board is pushing out a fairly big update in regards to the modpack, armory, and training. On top of that Arma 3 Apex was also released.


As some of you might of noticed five days ago, Theseus celebrated it's first anniversary.

It has been a long year with a relatively bad start for the group, but I feel that that is far behind us and that we've fully recovered.
On top of that, we've managed to build a stable foundation for our features, play-style and goals.